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This is one of the most significant military books of the twentieth century.
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Catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition "Picasso Ibero", Centro Botâin Santander, May - September 2021.
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This book is Albert Spaldings work of "historic facts concerning the beginning, evolution, development and popularity of base ball, with personal reminiscences of its vicissitudes, its victories and its votaries.
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And if the Glimmung is a god, are its ends positive or malign? Combining quixotic adventure, spine-chilling horror, and deliriously paranoid theology, Galactic Pot-Healer is a uniquely Dickian voyage to alternate worlds of the imagination.
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Now, for the first time, and experienced translator of medieval verse who is himself a poet provides a translation of Chretien's major poem, Yvain, in verse that fully and satisfyingly captures the movement, the sense, and the spirit of the ...
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To uphold family honor and tradition, Sheetal Prasad is forced to forsake the man she loves and marry playboy millionaire Rakesh Dhanraj while the citizens of Raigun, India, watch in envy.
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As America gasps in a stranglehold of a skull-crushing totalitarian regime, a supernatural intelligence speaks from the stars.